It’s Okay To Not Be Okay

          Hello everyone! How are all of you ? ❤ I hope you are all doing well and are happy with your life. It’s just a random gloomy day today, and while sipping my hot coffee, I decided on writing this post. It’s such a stress buster, I swear! I mean the coffee, haha 😀

 As I mentioned that it is a random gloomy day, I think my brain along with my heart just decided in being on a “I am sad but I don’t know why” mood. It is very common,right? I mean c’mon, I am sure I am not the only one who gets such moods once in a while! We’ve all been there and I know how it feels as well. It’s just a phase of life, just like any other phase of our lives! Although being on these moods is very common, the duration probably varies from person to person which is why people tend to think of this phase to be “abnormal” or “weird“. 

    There are many times when I do feel like staying alone,away from human contact, that includes my best friends, boyfriend and also my family. It doesn’t mean that I am angry at them or that I am hiding anything from them. It basically just means that sometimes I need some time off from everyone because sometimes we all need our alone time, we all need our own time to be quiet and lost in our thoughts, or even just stare at the wall while just quietly sitting in our room. 

   Sometimes, everyone goes through that phase where you are just sad but you don’t know why and you don’t seem to find a reason as well. Maybe it’s just the weather, a tiring day, or it could be any random, senseless reason at all! There have been times when I have cried without knowing why!! But according to me , this is a good thing. While you cry, you are letting go of some sort of pain within yourself through tears and it is not stupid at all! Instead it’s relaxing! It’s a form of relaxing your mind and your heart because once you cry, don’t you feel a little calmed down? You’d be lying, if you say no! haha. 

          All I am trying to say is that, people need to understand that it is totally okay to not be okay at times! It is okay, and totally normal to not want to spend time with your friends, partner, or family at times! Sometimes, everything will not have a reason and cannot be explained and hence it seems weird to others. But hey, not everything in this universe is explainable, right? If anyone is quiet it doesn’t mean that they are depressed and also, if they speak a lot , it doesn’t conclude that they are really happy in their life. This is just what is taught to us, but we need to get out of such perceptions. Every mood, every phase, every behavior totally varies on each individual and it cannot be generalized. It would wrong to do so. Sometimes, just let others be alone. Sometimes, if you want to stay alone, you have all the rights to stay so and no one can make you feel weird about it. After all, it’s your life and you know best on how to keep yourself happy. So stay away from judgments, and just live your life however you want to! 🙂


   I hope this post helped you in some way and at least understood that “wanting to be alone at times” is not a weird thing and it is just a phase of life, actually more like, another type of mood, just like being happy, sad or angry! 

Your MysteryWoman, xoxo!